high speed block avoidance

a futuristic highscore attack racing game

your goal is to get as many points as possible, by making risky moves and surviving as long as you can


Update 26.7

Updated start screen with the new name


Added colors to environments 

Environment colors get generated with HSV, which allows for more harmonious random colors, compared to RGB. Hue, saturation and value values are set by clamped random numbers. The resulting colors are then stored in a texture, which gets send out to all the environment materials. 

Alongside this change I also updated the way the environments come into the player’s view. They no longer just fade in, but actually grow/slide into their final shape/position.



The bike is no longer made up of separate meshes but a single skinned mesh, which significantly reduces the draw calls, and it even got all new animations.

The track border no longer uses a texture to draw the arrows next to the track, but actual geometry (this also means way nicer edges).
This, alongside the overlay noise now being generated at startup, means that the only texture, that doesn’t get generated now, is the font :D
(still I do need to tweak the look of noise overlay a bit, it’s way too easy to spot the repeating noise right now)


Just added the new LineSignage track environment.

To generate it, line end points get randomly placed on a gird. The lines then get a random width and axis aligned chamfered end caps.